Best Classical Music for Sonus Faber Stradivari

I just had installed the New Sonus Faber Stradivaris and will have a McIntosh 2102 Amp driving the. They scream for classical, and i'm just getting into classical. What are some of the best cD recordings available.
You can try Gary Karr Double Bass album for a mix, the double bass should be "to die for" on your SF.
Tall order as there are thousands. I'd suggest buying the DGG set celebrating James Levine's 60th B'day. The 3 CD's contains spectacular performances of Brahms, Stravinsky, Bartok, Sibelius, Beethoven... Uniformly stunning. Next I would get John Eliot Gardiner's recording of Bach's St. Matthew Passion (or Suzuki's recording of the Matthew Passion on the BIS label), Beethoven's MISSA SOLEMNIS (Gardiner) and the Beethoven Nine Symphonies with Abbado conducting the Berlin Philharmonic. After that some random suggestions: CHRONOCHROMIE of Messiaen (Boulez conducting on DGG), Boulez's DGG recordings of DEBUSSY with the Cleveland Orchestra, Schoenberg's GURRELIEDER (either the Chailly recording on Decca or Abbado's recording on DGG)....
Maxim Vengerov's entire output for Teldec includes many of the important sonata pieces for violin and piano, as well as him playing war horses like Tchaikovsky' violin concerto and Brahm's Violin Concerto. Most are recorded with the CSO, BSO or NYPhil, and he is otherwise backed by first-rate accompaniests. He is now on EMI and all of his releases are events.

As for one-off titles, I would list:

- Krystian Zimerman performing Beethoven's 3rd and 4th Syphonies for Piano (Bernstein conducting the Berlin Philharmonic): 429 749-2 GH

- The resissue of the incredibly successful soundtrack from Tous les Matins du Monde. It was one of highest selling classical CD's in history: ALIA VOX AV 9821

All of the above titles sound supurd on a high-end system and, most importantly, are very good to great performances.