Thiel 7.2 vs Wilson Sophia

Anyone able to a/b these two? Curious to hear reactions. I have not been able to hear either (yet) in NYC.
Have heard both and the difference IMO a matter of scale.
That is, the wonderful Wilson's will suffice in a smaller room whereas the mighty Thiels will thrive in Bill Gates's great room.
Quality of sound won't be an issue with either (given proper care and feeding).
Lyric at 83rd and Lexington had a pair of 7.2 demos for sale the last time I was in there.

Innovative at 58th and Third currently has a pair of Sofias on the floor.

The post about the Thiels requiring a lot of juice (A LOT) is correct. The Sofias are very easy to drive in comparison, but are not as full-range as the Thiels.