Reimyo DAP-777 compared to Audio Aero Prima DAC.

Has anyone had a chance to compare these two DACs and if so what were your thoughts?

Unfortunately, I cannot audition either based on my location. I've read stellar comments on both, but haven't come across a comparison of the two. The impression I've got based on what I've read is that the Reimyo CDP-777 betters the Audio Aero Capitole II - however, I'm not sure if I can extrapolate from this that the DAP-777 betters the Prima DAC.

I will be using a Sony SCD-777ES player as my transport and for SACD playback. I'm currently using an Ack!Dak for redbook but am looking for an excellent DAC with both coax and optical inputs. The optical inputs are so that I can feed it from my Apple iMac via AirportExpress.

Many thanks in advance for your help and advise.

Earlier this year (in the January edition, I believe) 6 moons ran a review of the Prima DAC, comparing it to Zanden's DAC. The conclusion the reviewer arrived at was that the Zanden was minutely superior to the Prima but at about twice the cost. The review was very favorable to the AA but that doesn't answer your question re the DAP-777, though the Zanden enjoys a similar reputation so one may draw his own conclusion. Still, hearing is believing and nobody's review should loosen your wallet...good luck.
Islandear - many thanks. I read both of Srajan Ebaen's reviews at on the Audio Aero Prima and the Reimyo DAP-777. Unfortunately, I didn't see a comparison between the two. My impression on reading the reviews was that the Prima was more to his liking compared to the DAP-777 - though I may be completely off base on this.

Many thanks,
Hi Neville,

I understand that my posting is not an answer to your question, but I wonder if you could share your impression about Sony 777ES with Ack! Dac, which I lately consider trying. I also have 777ES. Just like you, I have AA Capitole in my mind for the future upgrade item, which is now out of reach for me. In the meantime, I want to either try adding a DAC to Sony 777ES or having it modded by VSEI. Which version of Ack! Dac do you have? I heard that v.2 is quite a substantial improvement over v.1x.

Thanks in advance!
