Why do some audiophiles beat up McIntosh?

I've been around audio my entire life. I'm 45 and I bought a decent Technics system when I was 12 with my paper route money. Genesis speakers built in New England which were actually pretty darned good. I would spin vinyl every single day to the point it drive my parents crazy. My buddies father had a McIntosh system that I was in love with and he was allowed to play it. It was haunting for me to hear his fathers system.

Fast forward 28 years later and I'm perplexed at the hatred I see posted online about McIntosh. Is it really that bad or is everyone upset that McIntosh is so successful? It doesn't make sense to me that the resale value is the best in the business yet audiophiles bash them. I personally have always loved their gear and sound. I don't own any, and probably never will. Still, I just don't get it. I've always admired McIntosh. Looks aside, I always enjoyed the music. Can someone tell me that they're junk or do you just not like the presentation?

Who are these people that are unhappy with Pass? I've never seen a negative comment about Pass.
Here is why many don't like MAC. Newer Audiophile's during the past twenty year's have no interest in the "Classic" sound character of how electronic's sounded back in the 60's and 70's. Back then amps sounded more relaxed, warm,
recessed, very smooth, and a slightly colored midrange bloom. MAC has kept in place that "Classic" sound quality that still sounds like their gear from forty year's ago. With today's
Audiophile's its all about neutrality, extreme detail, and transparency, with a very wide and deep soundstage. Completely the opposite of the classic analog sound from year's ago. You have to rembember that people back in the
60's lived in smaller home's and smaller apartment's. Back
then most Audiophiles were using KLH bookshelf speaker's with small MAC amps or receiver's, or gear from Dynaco or Fisher and their Garrard turntable's. The rise of the digital age changed all that and the sonic character that's preferred nowaday's is a more forward open neutral quality without grain or harshness. The generation your from determine's if you like the more classic style or the type of sound born from the digital age.
What other people think.....why does that make any difference to you? Read long enough and you will find "haters" of any product.

I'd be more interested in what causes someone to be a hater to begin with. Seems like a crappy way to go thru life but it's their life and they can spend it any way they like and they WILL let me spend mine the way I like.

As to, "Meanwhile there's a lot more people unhappy with the Pass." More? Not what I have read but if that's what you found "in the places you looked", fine. I've owned Mac for 30 years and loved it. I now own Pass and love it. Whether someone else hates it or loves it doesn't make any difference to my enjoyment.
Mcintosh brand is a national treasure IMHO. Stop beating it up, even if its not your cup of tea! SAme true of OHM Acoustics. :^)
Taters asked:

Who are these people that are unhappy with Pass? I've never seen a negative comment about Pass.

I am one. In my system, using 4 different speakers, the X250.5 sounded thin and electronic. I bought it because I never read a negative comment either. Sent it to Pass for a check up, and it was all good. Ironically, I bought it used here on Audiogon, and the guy who sold it to me told me (after the sale) that he had replaced it with Mac 501 monos and liked them much better.