Wife Acceptance Factor

I hear alot about Wife Acceptance Factor when it comes to equipment. I'm getting married in 6 months. Fortunately, my fiance is pretty accepting of the hobby. Just curious about all those guys out there who have a family and are still allowed to invest their spending money almost entirely on audio equipment. After you get married, do most women step in and try to squash spending on this hobby? Opinions welcome!!!
John thank you for the laugh, I think this is one of
the best thread I have read in this forum,Its so
funny and true.By the way, I am so lucky to have a
partner who just let me do things I want,Unfortunately
my wife passed away last July,I really really miss her.
I never experience fighting for the position of my
speakers.She is just very very understanding,After
reading this thread, Ive learn a lot, How women think.
I dont want a woman change me for who Iam.I will be
very unhappy if a woman tells me to stop buying music.
For all who posted above, thanks a lot I did enjoy
all your comedy,and creative thinking.Thanks Bon
Dan,thank you.The only difficult part of this is, if
I dediced to get married again,like cables you need
burn in, and components you need to break them in,
For sure I be looking for a good synergy,No test drive
here,since I am a Christian, only audition,This thread
taught me a lot of good tips.It made me feel,I am so
extremely bless.Amen.
My wife lets me buy anything I want. She just won't let me put anything in any room of "our house". She says she will unilt she sees it. Oh and no cables can be seen. She always love my stereo when we were single.
Rg, maybe the difference is that, my wife plays piano
and own a Marantz system,in her apartment.So She likes
music also.