Tyler Accoustics....a true pleasure to deal with..

After several conversations with Ty I am eager to share my impressions, first I wish all dealers were like this.
Ty is enthusiastic, polite, down to earth, and matter of fact. I did not expect to be so pleasently surprised with talking about what my needs are, what he has to offer, and his willingness to explore options to suit my needs, I feel that this is a great example of what to expect in the future of Audio, brick and morter are closer to the grave everyday and if others follow the path of Tyler and share his enthusiasm, attitude, and business model....I truely think we will not miss the kick the tire show rooms of home audio. There are others ofcourse like him, great examples are in my dealings wich are limited but will include Eminent Technology, TEKLINE cables, several others are worthy of mention but my point is that these folks breath new life into an Audio purchase, save the Ego and Snob attitude for folks that dont mind spending money for status, I prefer to deal with REAL people who actually are a pleasure to talk with who also have product that is worthy of purchase.
Thank you for sharing this with us, Chadnliz! I agree with you very much.

About the only thing I can add is that I think it is a reflection of the passion that this type of owner/company puts forth. I find that it is unmatched in a brick and mortar type dealership, as this is his vision and his life. As all of this flows down to different entities, it becomes more diffuse, less vibrant, less alive.

Hope you love the speakers, and they enter into a very long relationship with you.
AV, I dont feel that it is wide spread pleasent attitudes in this business, most need a smack across the head, not a sale. I only mentioned a couple of folks, there a others that I know that are great and lots more I may not know, but the ratio of good guys and snobby assholes is not balanced.......there are more jerks than not in this business.
Ty Lashbrook is a real gentleman, just as everyone says. He's that way before the sale, and the same way afterwards.
I agree with all the positive comments about Ty... For a salesman, I never found him trying to make a hard sell in any way. In fact, he frequently convinced me to spend *less* than I planned to. It is nice to see a guy like Ty, who loves audio and builds a great product, while also being honest to a fault.

Ty is a true gentleman and his products provide an excellent value when cost meets performance. I have had many dealings here on Audiogon and in the Audio Industry, and he been one of the best. Hopefully his success here on Audiogon will do nothing but continue and grow..
