Tyler Accoustics....a true pleasure to deal with..

After several conversations with Ty I am eager to share my impressions, first I wish all dealers were like this.
Ty is enthusiastic, polite, down to earth, and matter of fact. I did not expect to be so pleasently surprised with talking about what my needs are, what he has to offer, and his willingness to explore options to suit my needs, I feel that this is a great example of what to expect in the future of Audio, brick and morter are closer to the grave everyday and if others follow the path of Tyler and share his enthusiasm, attitude, and business model....I truely think we will not miss the kick the tire show rooms of home audio. There are others ofcourse like him, great examples are in my dealings wich are limited but will include Eminent Technology, TEKLINE cables, several others are worthy of mention but my point is that these folks breath new life into an Audio purchase, save the Ego and Snob attitude for folks that dont mind spending money for status, I prefer to deal with REAL people who actually are a pleasure to talk with who also have product that is worthy of purchase.
I was curious to know if owners have opinion of models they would compare them too as far as quality so others could see how T.A. speakers match up against brand X?

2.5 pairs of speakers a year?? How can you ever get a handle on any of them, or do you have multiple systems around the house? Are you plaing with different finishes? What does your sig. other think??

I've had 15 pairs of speakers in the last 22 years and am know as Speaker Tom to my audio buddies and something of a compulsive speaker buyer. Ya got me beat by 350%!
Geez, I bought 5 pairs from Ty in 4 years and I thought I was keeping him fairly busy! I'm a rank amateur compared with Gold. Ty has provided me with the best experiences I have had in the retail end of this hobby and has been just as helpful after the purchase as before.
I am currently using the Woodmeres and this new Pro Speaker he is getting ready to launch. Yes Tom, they are both big and the sig. other is a bit tired of the hobby at the moment. I can't blame her though. Paul, it's been awhile but I really liked the Ref. Monitor. Again, great stuff from a very unique company. Feel free to email...
I can only echo the top notch experiences I've read here. Ty is simply the most approachable, friendly, responsive and helpful audio vendor I've ever had the pleasure to deal with.

My Linbrook system was bought used but Ty treated me wonderfully when I encountered some issues with them. My expanding family may preclude me keeping them at home for much longer, but I'd rather put them in storage than sell them!