Montana speakers, musical? Good Value????

Hi all.
Wanted to know if Montana speakers are worth the coin, are they in general musical? Analytical? most curious of the EPS model.... good bass and soundstage with musical detail (if that make sense) is what I am after.
thanks all!
Hi All,

The EPS have been redesigned almost a year ago - it now utilizes custom SEAS drivers and ofcause a completely redesigned cross-over as welll as a better optimized enclusure (please do not ask for the x-over schematic :-), see prior post).

We introduced the EPS2 at the CES in January this year (10 months ago) In addition we have had 2 fullpage ads in TAS announcing the EPS2, we advertise there with a full page every issue - we rotate our diffrent models in the ads.

Just wondering since you guys are supposed to be the experts how come none of you are "up" on the new model. Your suggestions on how to better communicate with the end customers would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Hey Pete,
You know I an really wanting to buy a pair but now that I met you I am not sure...why be such an ass to everyone?
I asked about the model I was interested in, because I cant afford the new model....get off your perch before somebody knocks you off, maybe I need look elsewhere for speakers that both sound good and offer good cutomer relations.
How in the hell can you call Peter an ass? Exactly what was it in his post that alerted you to this? Seems like your reading comprehension is on a par with your writing articulation.


I'm not quite sure how to interpret your post. I in no way feel or have had the intention to offend anyone so, Chadnliz, could you please be a little more specific in explaning how you feel that I have, in your words, been an "ass". Also, I'm not quite sure how you have come to the conclusion that my postings have made the impression on you that I'm on "a perch"

In my oppinon my recent - and only posts - have only inquired about why any one would want a cross-over schematic for a very popular speaker and then explained why I do not think that is in good business to release such and in conclusion inquired about how to better communicate our product offerings to the end-customer.

In closing please let me point out that I communicate in the complete open, you only offer your oppinion under your screen name which of cause is from a quite perspective.

When he said
"Just wondering since you guys are supposed to be the experts how come none of you are "up" on the new model."

Thats what I thought was arrogant and smartass.