speakers to match mainly with Mac SS and tube

I haven't looked at speakers in awhile, using mostly Mcintosh ss and tube gear, specifically the C46/252 and a C2200/2751V...also have some modest VTL gear and even a Naim Nait 5i hanging around.

I currently use a pair of B&W Cm4 modest floor standing.

I like the sound I am getting just want better, I have always belived in a good front end, really good electronics and then the speaker...hence all the electronics..also use a Linn Ikemi and a Mac cd changer as sources.

My problem with the upper end B&W is not the sound, but the look I just don't like it, what i am looking for is a medium floor standing speaker, about 40-45" high, not too heavy and easy to drive.

I have heard good things on these forums about Tyler, paradigm, Von Scweikert, Jm Labs etc, any and all opinions would be appreciated.
Ag insider logo xs@2xsuperhonestben
I'm using a C2200 preamp with Von Schweikert speakers - VR4JRs - and wouldn't change speakers for anything else I can afford - they are just captivating. VS offers the VR2 which might meet your needs - it is very detailed, musical and natural-sounding (i.e. not hyper analytical) with a solid, tight low end. They run $2500. new and about $1500. used.
I have a C22 - MC275 combination driving a pair of Vandersteen 3a Signatures in a 10 x 16 room. Excellent, top to bottom. Sure beats the pants off of the Paradigm S8 Signatures I had.
(they would drive you OUT of the room with HARSHNESS....)
I know it's been said before, but the Vandersteens really do sound like real, live, music. Of course all Mac tubes up front help, too. Choose wisely...