Help me pick the right monitor

I'm looking for a higher class monitor that can handle 80 watts of pure Class A power. I've currently got Acoustic Energy AESPRIT 300s, hooked to a Jungson JA-88D by Ridge Street Audio Poeima !! Signature speaker cables. Actually, the AE's are quite good but I'm looking for a speaker with a quality cabinet that can keep resonance down as this amp really delivers bass. Wanting to improve from 40Hz which may require an 8" woofer(??) Looking for a high degree of transparancy with excellent detail. I know...I want it all! (As most of us do) I've been considering Reference 3 DeCapo's and am looking to spend up to $2K. These are for my home office system so as much as I would like to have floor standers, monitors must be used. The room dimensions are 10x18. Thanks for your input.
If you look hard you might be able to find a pair of original JMlabs Micro-Utopias for right at $2K. These are the speakers I own and I can't say enough good things about them. Best of all they're incredliby easy to drive, I've used as little as 12 watts. Good luck and happy listening!
You want a quiet cabinet and good "monitor bass" with detail and transarency... please consider Green Mountain Audio Callistos. They list just above your price point new, but I'm sure something can be worked out to get you close. You'll find that certain members are passionate about their personal favorite (including me), but I'd love for you to hear what I'm hearing. Feel free to contact me about specifics or better yet, give Roy a call at GMA, or e-mail him through their web site here.