Vandersteen Upgrade Path

I currently have the Vandy 2ci, the 2wq and the Vandersteen center channel for HT (not sure I really need it though since I usually sit right in the middle). Anyway I am thinking of upgrading and was wondering if it would make sense to add a second sub or get the 2ce signatures and continute to make to do with one sub (at least for now)Upgrading to the 3A sigs would be too big a stretch on my budget (unless I sold off the 2wq and center channel that is). Any thoughts?
Just for clarification. My suggestion for two subs has little to do with adding more boom to the room. Excepting of course recordings with a discrete .1 channel, summing the bass frequency of stereo recordings to one mono sub, IMHO, doesn't work as well as using two subs. On the other hand, going with a larger pair of full frequency mains sans sub might just be the ticket.
After reading SDcampbell's post, I agree with it. Regular 3A's with the possibility to upgrade in the future if you so choose.
I was not thinking of that possibility before at all!

I agree with Unsound in regards to, 2 subs giving you more base. I have 2- 2wqs and 3a signatures the improvement is more in the resolution of the mids and highs of the sigs, of course with great bass. If you are using more for HT you definitly need a sub even with the 3a sigs. I would get another sub or get the 2ce sigs and my 3a sigs are for sale at a great price.
You haven't made any specific requirements in your request so I'll try and cover the general stuff. If you're looking for improved sonics with a small budget outlay get the 2Ce Signatures as Will suggests. This speaker is MUCH better than you probably think/expect. If you're looking for better movie sound for yourself get the 2Ce Sigs. Also, look at your source and processor as they will make huge differences in what you hear from any speaker. Subs are only going to improve the bass. So while this is sometimes worthwhile, you should only consider it if you already have done the L/R speaker upgrade IMHO.
No matter what, you should contact your Vandersteen dealer and talk to them about it. They can advise you better as they'll know more about your system, room and preferences.
Happy Holidays!