Alternative after Soundlab. Horns? Heil Tweeters?

Dear all, I had to part from my beloved electrostatic Soundlab due to space limitation. (I didn’t want to hear them nearfield)

Now, provided my type of music is acoustic and vocals – I am looking for a budget price speaker that with all its limitation compared to Soundlab, can still reproduce vocals lifelike, transparent (no drilling ears tweeters please) and emotionally involving.

Due to a cat presence I have excluded Magneplanar but I have considered speakers based on the Heil tweeter like the Oskar Kithara.

Which other speakers shall I include in the list to audition for my targeted taste ? (Range 4000-6000 USD)
Are Horns a possible target? (Acapella and Avantgarde seems too pricey)

It can be both a small monitor or a floor speaker. I am not a fanatic of hard bass also because in the new room it will just be too much.
Many thanks and hope you will accept to respond, it looks a struggling experience downgrading but sometimes priorities shall be different.
Here's another suggestion that's well within your price range: the Reference 3A MM de Capo i. A friend has a pair hooked up to an 18 wpc SET, and they are absolutely terrific on vocals, jazz, chamber orchestras etc. They have a very nice tweeter, are good for semi near-field listening, are very transparent and have excellent bass for their size.
Thanks to everybody. a great help.
Still I will have 2,5 meters from the speakers and myself. Is this still nearfield?
I absoulutely Love Soundlabs (a friend has U1's and had A1's/B1's in a pretty small space!). If I ever owned a house I would have a pair. But being a city dweller, I supose I will I never have the luxury. I used to own ESL-63's with full Crosby mods.

I went to dynamic speakers after the quads needed too many panels replaced. I never really got the sense of magic and midrange back. ALso in these NY apartments, you tend to listen pretty close to the speakers as well.

A few months ago I got a PS audio powerplant, and started to hear that magic again. The ease I used to hear, as well.

I suggest hearing it with whatever system you get. Back on topic, I have on order Cerious Technolgies Two/Bass speakers.

I am really excited to finally get them and post back my findings. I recently got a full set of Cerious cables, and I think they are onto something. Between the above mentioned, and the PS audio GCC-100 amp, I am hearing things In recordings I never heard with the QUads.

If I can get back that quality with Cerious's non traditional cabinet, that will be really interesting.

Also the new PS audio GCC phono stage is pretty special at a good price, and can drive an amp directly.

My current setup is quite good and in many ways better than when I had the Quads, I just need a really special speaker to complete the package. Look for my posts on the Cerious in the next month or so, hopefully.