Gon bonkers with def tech...help..

Currently using these for a 70/30 ht/music set up. 7004 towers, 2 sets of bps 2x for surrounds, 2300 clr center and super cube II. I have received some great info on the gon re speaker adjust, bass mgtmnt, sound staging etc. Since my initial set up and not knowing much, i have used the info and noticed great improvement in overall dynamics and sound quality.

Here is my question. I have noticed that, well, many Goners consider these more like a double cheese burger at mcdonalds than a steak at Mortons. NOW, its starting to get in my head. Am i missing out big time with these speakers? Did my local audio guy totally point me in the wrong direction?? Is it their design that Goners dont like or just the sound in general? I did spend $4200 for this set up, not alot of $$ to most but alot to me, so i mean they cant be that bad right? Any insight would be greatly appreciated
How do they sound to you? That's really all that matters. Def Tech gets the cheesburger rep b/c they offer so much for their price. When you look at the number of drivers, then factor in that many models come with built in subs you get a great bargain. There is a great deal of snobbishness amongst audiophiles, so bargains are often looked down upon. Ignore them, the real question you should ask yourself is are you a dipole person? I have mixed feelings about them. Some songs really benefit from the added soundstage and diffuse sound, while others are better off with the focus and detail of a direct radiator. I think Def Techs are much closer to Logans's and Magnapan's in they way they present music then conventional speakers. And they don't have the bass issues of the former two designs. How about Von Schweikert? There's another "Morton's" type name brand that will sound alot closer to your Def Tech's then a pair of B&W's ever will. Relax, have fun with your speakers, and decide for yourself if you like them.
Do you like the sound? Thats what really matters. I like my sound BRIGHT compaired to most people. BAD? Sound is subjective.
id say for your ht/movie mix you made a good choice, i think definitive technologies makes excellent home theater speakers, but only reasonable music speakers. If you were far more interested in music than movies id probably suggest something else. otherwise enjoy

for home theater applications they offer an aweful lot of bang for your buck.
Do you like the way they sound? If so you made a good decision. Is there better out there? The answer to that question is always yes. Put on a movie or some tunes and enjoy.
I agree with the Muzikat's statement that recommendeds not paying too much attention to what people here think about your choice. If you are happy, does it really matter?

For the record though, I think for your needs you did just fine. I recommend enjoying your speakers and filtering out the outside "noise," so to speak.

Happy listening,
