Larger companies do not always make better products. Various companies like Totem, Krell, Sonus Faber, Silverline, Joseph, and many more use drivers and tweeters manufactured by other companies like ScanSpeak, Seas, and Dynaudio just to name a few.
Here is a good comparison for you. Is the Chevrolet Corvette a better car than a Porsche 911 because Chevrolet is a larger organization than Porsche?
Also, here is some home work for you. The Metal tweeter used in your precious Matrix speakers are about $75.00 a pair. You can check the replacement value if you want.
The Seas Millenium Tweeter used in the Linbrooks are $340.00 pair. What is B&W thinking? What was the retail on those Dinosaurs again?
I have owned a pair of Tyler Acoustics and truly enjoyed them. I also do not have anything against B&W Speakers. The new Diamond Tweeter really shows promise in their designs.
Happy Holidays
Larger companies do not always make better products. Various companies like Totem, Krell, Sonus Faber, Silverline, Joseph, and many more use drivers and tweeters manufactured by other companies like ScanSpeak, Seas, and Dynaudio just to name a few.
Here is a good comparison for you. Is the Chevrolet Corvette a better car than a Porsche 911 because Chevrolet is a larger organization than Porsche?
Also, here is some home work for you. The Metal tweeter used in your precious Matrix speakers are about $75.00 a pair. You can check the replacement value if you want.
The Seas Millenium Tweeter used in the Linbrooks are $340.00 pair. What is B&W thinking? What was the retail on those Dinosaurs again?
I have owned a pair of Tyler Acoustics and truly enjoyed them. I also do not have anything against B&W Speakers. The new Diamond Tweeter really shows promise in their designs.
Happy Holidays