Blind Power Cord Test & results

Secrets of Home Theater and High Fidelity teamed up with the Bay Area Audiophile Society (BAAS) to conduct a blind AC power cord test. Here is the url:

I suppose you can interpret these results to your follow your own point of view, but to me they reinforce my thoughts that aftermarket AC cords are "audiophile snakeoil"
I never believed in sonic differences of power cords, and I laughed at those who did. Then, when I finally broke down and decided to try a high-end cord, I couldn't believe the improvement. Even a skeptic friend of mine was immediately converted after he heard my new power cord.

I have since used many power cords better than this first upgraded cord. I have no interest in reading 'tests' that discredit power cord differences, as I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that they can make as much of a sonic difference as different interconnects make. Yes, I'd like to know why and how they do this, but until and if the scientific reasons manifest themselves, I'm satisfied to know that they do.

I can listen to one power cord on a component using 2 or 3 music selections, and then switch to another cord and tell you what the sonic differences are. I can also have one cord in my system for a week, then change to another cord and be able to hear that cord's signature clearly. I have put stock cords back in only to be horrified by how inferior they sound.

I don't like spending money on power cords, and wish they all sounded the same. Problem is: they don't.
In a very interesting post above, Donbellphd notes:
Is this thread about auditory perception or religion? I get the impression it's about religion... (...)
Somewhere in-between, I'd say, and closer to religion: music is an emotional experience and the equip attached to its reproduction seems to borrow from that emotionality... hence a partial (at least) explanation of
...the inability to follow a logical line of reasoning
. As such it could be termed
an anomaly (REPRESENTATIVE) of our population
. There must be similar anomalies representative of other populations -- music maybe (as in, which is the best performance of Mahler2 and why).
Other than that, I also agree that some of the things tossed around make little sense including, sometimes, blurb tossed around by manufacturers of reproduction equip.
At the end of the day, most of us don't know much about circuit design and loudspeaker modelling -- nor should we. Add to that the bickering between engineers who DO know about these subjects which seems to add to the population's confusion...
Also, in future threads, subjective discussions should not be interrupted by contrarian physical explanations and vice-versa.

This is a misconception. These threads get onto the question of "what's real/what's in our heads" because people begin offering totally nonsensical explanations for how cables/tweaks/PCs/etc. work, and others pointed out their errors. Now, maybe you think Audiogon is served by a rule that says, only *incorrect* technical explanations may be posted. But when I say something wrong (and I do), I want to be set right, because that's how we all learn.
There is a logical train of reasoning going on here. We hear a repeatable thing, and look for reasons why it is a repeatable thing. But, just because we have not found many reasons why yet, is no cause to dismiss it.

My link to the Bumblebee story

This is not "religion" or anything like it. It is simply another case where the scientists have not produced much proof to explain a valid repeatable observation. But they have produced some, and even that small bit of proof(differences in resistance, impedance, capacitance, dielectric) shows that there can be some differences that will be audible.

Is this must be the new "scientific" game? "If an easy answer isn't apparent, it must be psychological."?

Just like the bumblebee story shows, scientists don't know everything, never knew everything, and are not likely to ever know everything. Evidently, there are some who think they do.

As I posted earlier, member Aball has written on another thread about a French and German scientific consortium who is studying this very subject, and have already found some things that can be measured, and can further explain why we hear differences. These are hardware measurements, not psycho-acoustic measurements. They have found some kind of "micro-corona" effects around wire which is measurable, and they have produced some kind of measuring device to quantify it. I don't know much about it, but at least someone is doing something about it.

I don't much care about it myself, since I can easily hear the things needed for me to make an informed decision. However, for some who can't trust their ears, and have to lean on numbers for their audio purchasing, this may be helpful.
Psychics don't have to guess numbers to be psychics. That would just be a game--and there are more important things to be done helping people.

You guys need to see a good clarvoyant psychic to find out what can he/she tell you...whether reading the cards, shells, tobacco smoke--you name it.

Whith psychic power and primal intensity,
