Thiel 1.6's or Quad 22L's ? Opinions Please.

I've pretty much decided to stay away from planers for my music listening tastes(electric blues.classic rock) my short list if the Thiel 1.6's and Quad 22L's. I'd like some opinions on these 2 choices. Current amp is a Rotel 1070 integrated and cd is soon to arrive Cary 308. I like a dynamic, lively sound-not quite Klipsch lively though.
Not to knock the rotel (I like them) but, it won't have enough power to do what you need. Both speaker choices are great but are power hungry. The 1.6's need wayyyy more power to ever have any bass or volume.
On a positive note: You will get a bigger, more open soundfield with the quads. The maggies tend to sound great only from the "sweet spot" and nowhere else. The quads will be more foregiving. Will you be listening only from one chair?
In my opinion, Rotel and Thiel will be very bright. Some call that dynamic and lively but I consider it painful. The Cary is a nice piece. I've never heard a a non-electrostatic Quad that did anything for me.
the quads are gonna give you the best music here. they are also not as fussy, should you decid to replace the rotel at some point with tubes or other ss. polite, but not so polite that they can't rock.
I've played my 1.6's with ARC VT-100 Mk-III and my current Sony STR-DA1000ES HT receiver (90 watts/ch @ 4 ohms).
I don't think they are bright at all.
Although not what I would call a "super speaker" (Thiel 7.2, Wilson Maxx), they are totally satisfying for the type of listening I do.
They are very coherent and neutral at normal to lively volumes (I can't crank them in my current dwelling).
I was trying out 5 channel HT for the first time with the second "Riddick" movie (no subwoofer) and was amazed at the quantity and quality of bass I was hearing in my medium sized room (14 X 14) from 2 six-inch woofers! Good stuff...
Thanks for the great input. My listening is generally confined to one sweet spot about 8-9' from the speaker plane. I've heard so many good things about the Thiels that they do interest me. I live a bit off the beaten path so live auditions are tough.That's why i solicite comments from my fellow 'Goners. Great input and thanks.