certin speaker makers harder to get dissounts fro

I have gotten a lot of good info here in the past few days, my new question is . The Martin logan dealers i have talked with said they never discount, but they are on sale( the vantage) for $60 off per speaker. Is this true for others who have bought ML speakers you could not get a price break even when spending a far amout of money. If it seems like i harp on money plese for give me im am but a Parmedic and it has taken me some time to put together 11000 dollars. Looking at some of the systems here that may be your cable budget. I dont wish you ill if if can afford this type of gear, I just wish I could also. Maybe one day, and it is fun to dream
Cj1capp, "50 to 60% mark up to me is just wrong. I am not aware of any other bussines that dose that except for the medical field."

I think you need to look at other industries before making such comments. The furniture industry is at least 100%. Most computer consulting organizations charge at least 100% over what an individual consultant makes. The overall price of products is more of an issue than just markup.
I also reccommend waiting until what you want surfaces here on Audiogon. Why not get it at 50% off and save your hard earned money.
There is another answer to your dilemma: Buy them used.
In looking here on Audiogon, there are dozens of used Martin Logan speakers. If you can't get the entire package here, you might be able to at least get some or most of them used, and then limit the amount you end up spending at a dealers.

Just my two cents worth.

PS When I bought my ML Sequel IIs, many, many years ago, I got about 10-15% discount without trying to much.
I learned a great bargaining tool from a guy who bought a used car from me once. This guy came to me with $100 dollar bills in the amount he was willing to pay for my car. It was considerably less than I wanted to take but couldn't resist the quick sale. I haven't tried this at your price point but it has worked in many situations. Just know what you are willing to pay (it should be reasonable), have funds available, talk to the decision maker and be ready to follow through.
Money talks.