certin speaker makers harder to get dissounts fro

I have gotten a lot of good info here in the past few days, my new question is . The Martin logan dealers i have talked with said they never discount, but they are on sale( the vantage) for $60 off per speaker. Is this true for others who have bought ML speakers you could not get a price break even when spending a far amout of money. If it seems like i harp on money plese for give me im am but a Parmedic and it has taken me some time to put together 11000 dollars. Looking at some of the systems here that may be your cable budget. I dont wish you ill if if can afford this type of gear, I just wish I could also. Maybe one day, and it is fun to dream
OK here ya go,

If you ask no more than 5 questions ask for 20%

If he turns lights off around you and walks you out as he locks the door then dont get too greedy

If you slap your cash down or credit card and simply order your gear with no more then a pleasant
"Hello.....nice weather ehhhh?" then ask for 30%
(I mean you didnt use him for any knowledge riiiiight?)

and try not to feel too bad for dealers that dont make as much as they did some time ago......they made too much!
Chadlnliz: Hmmm. Hearing about Audio Visions in Ohio selling ML for 20% off makes me wonder about my local dealers. Sorry to ask, but are you 100% sure about your information? Are buyers at Audio Visions giving something up in return for the discount?
I bought BW speakers, Rotel amps and Processors, wires on 4 seperate occasions and always got 20% off MSRP everytime.
Matter of fact I think I got the wires at 50% but thet were not really high end stuff. I did get a quote for a cinema center that I was going to add to my Innersound Eros and again it was flat 20% off MSRP.
You are not donig your dealer any favors Chadnliz.
ML keeps an eye on these forums.
ML has a fairly strict "NO DISCOUNT" policy.
Dealers (yours included I'm sure) are some of the only people who have the time and inclination to spend all day on A-gon.
Don't be surprised if your dealer suddenly gets conservative with discounts.
Don't be surprised if ML gives him a spanking too.

Ata way to post yourself out of a good thing.
wow NERD too bad I am done with my purchase from them, I almost would have lost sleep over it.