certin speaker makers harder to get dissounts fro

I have gotten a lot of good info here in the past few days, my new question is . The Martin logan dealers i have talked with said they never discount, but they are on sale( the vantage) for $60 off per speaker. Is this true for others who have bought ML speakers you could not get a price break even when spending a far amout of money. If it seems like i harp on money plese for give me im am but a Parmedic and it has taken me some time to put together 11000 dollars. Looking at some of the systems here that may be your cable budget. I dont wish you ill if if can afford this type of gear, I just wish I could also. Maybe one day, and it is fun to dream

It is not semantics. Price-fixing is illegal anyway you cut it. Do a little research.

And BTW, Federal Law says marijuana is illegal, period.
It is not price fixing. They are not controlling what ALL speakers sell for, just thiers. It is called protecting your products value and protecting dealers in your network. If you want to be a ML dealer you are limited to the amount of discount you can give period. Lots of other brands do this as well, if it was illegal they would have been busted long ago.
Fiddler, They are not colluding with other manufacturers to fix prices; they are establishing what their dealers can charge. Two completely different things. If they want to be a dealer for that product they agree not to discount. A very common practice in many high end products, not just audio. And yes, if I did buy retail I would want a discount.
Lets take off the pretend-law-expert hat and put on our propeller hat instead. We are audiofools afterall.

Happy scrounging.

No Manufacturer can tell a dealer what to sell the product for ...period...if they do they are breaking the law, in fact I do believe it was the hifi bus that made this so, I think both B&0 and Pioneer were charged with this in the 70s....anyway If a ML dealer says he "cant discount" because the manufacturer said so...is in stric violationof the law....sure you can ask for a discount and you will probably get one...the more you buy from a store, probably the more they will take care of you on both price and service....BUT they need to make a profit to stay in business and 10-20 percent over cost doesn't cut it...my guess is on any speaker line you can get 10-15% off and everybody is happy