Are first order crossovers best?

Here's an interesting item IMO. In looking for some speaker cables, and possibly interconnects too, I've been hearing from the various manufacturers of these wires a question regarding the crossover in my speakers.

"What order crossover is in them, first, second, third, etc?"

I believe mine (VR4 JR's), are fourth order.

The thought that comes to my mind is this...What does that matter? Should I care what sort of ordered crossover there is in a speaker? How big or small a part does it play?

At this point I have no answers for the above Q's.... if I could have your thoughts and experiences it would be more than appreciated to shed some light on this currently dimly lit subject...

Thanks all...
Yeah I love my Driver cone breakup and distortion, too bad it still sounds best! Crossoverless Zu's see system. Not a single full range however, it uses 2 :)
Apparently, this thread has become but a public forum for a couple folks to correspond... ever hear of email? Your dialouge seems to have gotten off topic some.... with point & counter point rehetoric about personal perspectives... though input is more than appreciated, getting back to the gist of the thread might well serve others, right? ...and not be "Who's right & why" sort of thing. OK?
You ever heard of google? Maybe you should do a google search and save us all the trouble.You ask a question and got great answers. The last time I checked this was a public forum. I think some of the links provided are a wee bit more than personal opinion.

Merry Christmas
Blindjim, with all due respect your originaly posted thread wasn't very specific.
Merry Christmas
Blindjim...I think you got your answer in the first couple of responses, but they raised interesting points that have been the basis of ongoing discussion. That's the nature of this forum.
Merry Christmas, or whatever.