Are first order crossovers best?

Here's an interesting item IMO. In looking for some speaker cables, and possibly interconnects too, I've been hearing from the various manufacturers of these wires a question regarding the crossover in my speakers.

"What order crossover is in them, first, second, third, etc?"

I believe mine (VR4 JR's), are fourth order.

The thought that comes to my mind is this...What does that matter? Should I care what sort of ordered crossover there is in a speaker? How big or small a part does it play?

At this point I have no answers for the above Q's.... if I could have your thoughts and experiences it would be more than appreciated to shed some light on this currently dimly lit subject...

Thanks all...
You ever heard of google? Maybe you should do a google search and save us all the trouble.You ask a question and got great answers. The last time I checked this was a public forum. I think some of the links provided are a wee bit more than personal opinion.

Merry Christmas
Blindjim, with all due respect your originaly posted thread wasn't very specific.
Merry Christmas
Blindjim...I think you got your answer in the first couple of responses, but they raised interesting points that have been the basis of ongoing discussion. That's the nature of this forum.
Merry Christmas, or whatever.
Blindjim, See your own quote here, not sure but looks like you are fishing and someone put some bait on the line for you to help. And further your title states " Are first order crossovers best?" yet you explain you own 4th order, so you got opinions and reasons thats it.

"What order crossover is in them, first, second, third, etc?"

I believe mine (VR4 JR's), are fourth order.

The thought that comes to my mind is this...What does that matter? Should I care what sort of ordered crossover there is in a speaker? How big or small a part does it play?

At this point I have no answers for the above Q's.... if I could have your thoughts and experiences it would be more than appreciated to shed some light on this currently dimly lit subject..."

havbing found out that with most everything audio, there is a sonic signature of some sort, I felt to inquire as to crossovers. I figured simply to find out about a subject I know little of and hopefully determine some basic traits of the different type networks.

Example... most people will say a certain preamp is 'warm', and another is 'dynamic'. One amp is better suited for this, and another for that... The aim was to decrease the huge number of available speakers out there in terms of possible compatibility or incompatibility, with present and/or future gear.

Like I was sort of expecting to hear something like:

Well, with first order networks I've found they work best with SET amps. or Fourth order does best with Solid state. I've since began to think along the lines of "What did the speaker maker use to voice them with in terms of amplification?" instead of focusing on what sort of crossover is in them... I apologize if it made no sense to anyone else... it did to me... at the time.

I believe I've had mostly 'fourth' order in my previous speakers (B&W), and The Monitor Audio people say they use no caps in their Gold 60's, of which I also had a set... my PC 10.5 Phase Techs I'm not sure about what is in there... 3rd, I think. The Jr's use a 4th. All of these have been paired with 120 wpc to 250 wpc solid state amps of various brands. Never tube amps. My level of experience and/or my ignorance as to system synergy and it's importance along with some poorly put 'professional advice' cost me severely with some past efforts to put together a decent system. I'd as soon forgoe that experince again, if at all possible.... I sought to do that by asking what I believed a simple question. That's all.

I'm likely to stay with solid state amps and tubed preamps. . . and plan to move into either the BAT 600 or CJ P350 later on, with either a BAT, Thor, or CJ preamp. I also will probably get into a pair of speakers other than the VR4 JR's I have now. Something from perhaps VA. Strauss? Being goal oriented, and with fixed disposable income having some idea in place beforehand is comforting to me. hence the question (s).... I've not the resources to simply buy this or that to find out. truth be toled, that process is weairsome and tedious. Let alone expensive. Again, I apologize to misspeake or mislead, or be too grey with the inquirey.