Recommended Hi end dealer

Looking for recommendations on a high end dealer. I am in the market for a pair of speakers. Budget is an excessive $70k but i did a deal with the wife and have had some lucky breaks. Had been looking at the Von Schweikert VR9 but I wont pay the full price thats wanted for them. At this time I'm starting the process over. Looking for folks recommendations on dealers whom have been good to work with.

thx Rumney
Jtinn has made several good deals to a member of my audio group and he is a Von Schweikert dealer.

To locate him, go to Audiogon home page. Under the column marked LEARN is the option for MEMBER LOOKUP. Click on member lookup and when the page opens, type in Jtinn.

You can send him an email or look over the ads he has running here at Audiogon.
If you're interested in the amazing Peak Consults, I know someone who might be able to help you. Just email me if that's the case.
Darrin at Audio Limits in COL.Give him a call # 719-633-5676
The very best!
I really recommend Casey at Ne Plus Altra in Austin, TX. Great guy who really knows audio. Deals in Wilson, Sonus Faber, Avantgarde, Wilson Benesch, DCS, etc.