Speaker on its side as a center?

I am curerntly using a B&W 804 as a center with 2x 804's as mains. 2x 805's as rear. The center 804 was one of a pair, but I lost one courtesy of the shipper. I would like to lay the center 804 on its side under the plasma TV. Idea is to have this on some kind of a shelf structure under the TV platform. Any thoughts on performance of a speaker on its side? thanks.
Try it. It will compromise horizontal radiation but only you can say if it is acceptable. I wouldn't do it.

Well if I actually had one and was in your situation I would have already tried it.---I wouldn't need anybody's permission.---I mean,how bad can it be?? Stick it on something like a coffee table or a box the size you need and give a try. Then decide on a stand. 3 identical speakers across the front can't be all that bad.---Just keep an eye out for the center channel police.
You might check with B&W to see if there is any concern from their end. If the speakers have any ferrofluid cooling that may prompt you to rotate the drivers. I had a freind that did it with his old Kappa &'s and the Emit tweeter failed about 3 mos. later. Upon reading the manual Infinity instructed the user to rotate the tweeter when laying the cabinet on it's side. Just a thought.
Not a good idea. You'll be relying on the speaker's "vertical" dispersion, which is usually much worse than its horizontal dispersion. Of course, most people use horizontal center speakers, which suffer from the same problem. The best center speaker is another of the front speakers, mounted vertically just like the others.