McIntosh & the Bachelor Pad

I came across an article about bachelor pads. That peculiar piece of real estate where your masculinity can be celebrated. To quote Hef,
We like our apartment. We enjoy mixing up cocktails and an hors d’oeuvre or two, putting a little mood music on the phonograph and inviting a female acquaintance for a quiet discussion on Picasso, Nietzsche, jazz, sex.
Clearly music is a central element in the BP. The article provides three stereo tips. I will quote the first two:
Stereo tip No. 1: McIntosh makes a boss receiver ($6,500 for a MAC-6700).
Stereo tip No. 2: The average bachelor should not ask for stereo advice from guys who are really, really, really into stereos. Above a certain level, the world of the audiophile becomes an alien atmosphere—an ultraexpensive echo chamber of inaccessible acoustics. If you have to ask, you don’t want to know. Bang & Olufsen has probably got you covered.
Note that Hef's uses vinyl, not R2R and that the BP is for stereo, not multi-channel.

My question is addressed to those who are really, really, really into stereos, have a McIntosh receiver and reside in a bachelor pad -- what's a good cocktail to serve when discussing Nietzsche with that special female acquaintance?
Hef is right: it's all about appearances. If one gets too esoteric about stereo, her eyes will glaze over and that 2012 Olivi Coreno will take her down a different path, usually the one to your door.

And most important: if you gaze long enough into her eyes, she will gaze back into you and hopefully not see any monsters. :-)

All the best,
"My question is addressed to those who are really, really, really into stereos, have a McIntosh receiver and reside in a bachelor pad -- what's a good cocktail to serve when discussing Nietzsche with that special female acquaintance?"

Its a trick question. People that are really, really, really into stereos, never have money for anything else, like drinks. And to let a girl talk while there's music playing? You must be on crack.