
Recently I ran across the term "infrasound" and naturally had to do some research. What I found was quite fascinating. Infrasound is a range of frequencies below that of human hearing. Infrasound can in some cases explain ghosts (the resonant frequency of your eyes is 18hz) as well as the spine chilling feelings that accompany them. Animals use infrasound for communication and may also induce a sense of discomfort or disorientation in man in cases of tigers and lions. It can also be used as a weapon. Unfortuantely, in the quest for the lowest and most powerful bass from car stereos it is becoming possible to create infrasound with exotic car audio equipment which may be more detrimental than people realize. Just thought I would throw this out as an interesting audio topic. Check it out.
Every time I see (hear) some fool in his car with the windows up and the bass booming with a infant or kid in a carseat, I wish child services was there to take the kids away. Infrasonic can be (?) fun at auto shows and demos for the dim witted out there but really has no place in audio, at those levels.

All the best,
This is a new term for me as well.. I have recently taken an interest in frequencies and their psychological impact on humans... This article: is what sparked my interest. One line that really caught my eye was this: "Some theories, although just theories, even suggest that the nazi regime has been in favor of adopting this pitch as standard after conducting scientific researches to determine which range of frequencies best induce fear and aggression."

There are also people that believe that you also hear music/sound with your body, not just your ears... So even though, typically, your ears can only hear between 20 - 20,000 Hz, your body can take in sounds well above and below that range... I have no idea if this is true or not, but it certainly is interesting either way...

Now, on to read about Infrasound......