PSB Stratus Mini's

I may pick a pair of these up to pair with a Classe or Krell Integrated. Any impressions of the speakers?
I also owned a pair for a brief period while searching for a monitor for my small listening room. They did not stay long as I found them overly bright for my taste. They were paired with a Roksan KandyIII integrated and NAD C541i cdp. A quick impression is that the Minis bass and midrange were very good but as I said the highs were overly etched.
I would recommend you listen to the Totem Model 1 or Von Schwiekert VR1. Both are very good with a nod to the Totems. Good luck with whatever you chose.

Merry Xmas to you. I checked out the Totems and by looking at them, I would think they are a Proac/Dynaudio Hybrid. I have a small listening area also and I have always preferred monitors anyway. The Paradigm Studio 20 v3's look really good and they are more in my price range right now. Its either $1000 for an Integrated amp or speakers. You are not the only one thats told me about the Stratus Mini's. Something tells me to stay away from them. PSB is all I used to buy but my loyalty is changing. I am using an old B&K amp that I'm trying to sell and it is really fleshing out the shortcomings of my current PSB B25's.
Merry Xmas Upstate,

I went to the website and the Totems sure seem to get a warm reception. I will consider them. I am also looking for a good DVD/CD soundsource. That plays a huge role also.
You never gave us a price will always find something better if you keep raising the budget higher

I own 4 pairs of monitors currently, and still keep a pair of PSB Stratus Minis around. I find them to be very nuetral sounding with very good detail and soundstaging abilities, good all around performers at the under $500 used price they can be purchased for here. You can find dozens of professional reviews from 10 years ago for the Stratus Minis all very favorable.

If your budget is $500-1,000 used my Von Schweikert VR1 is faster more detailed sound which may appeal to some tastes, but in some systems may have too much treble energy.

My GMA Europa and Tyler Taylo Reference have smoother richer sound and represent outstanding overall performance in all catagories, sound great with all types of music even avarage rock recordings, but also will cost more used than Stratus Mini especially the Taylo.......GMA Europa sometimes are seen used for @$700 I believe.