Best isolation cones

Wanting to purchase some new isolation cones for my amp and Oppo 105. See Nordost isolation cones however wondered if they are really worth the extra money or are there any alternatives? One of the things I don't like about Nordost cost is how high they make your unit sit. Also I have seen other isolation components like Vibrapods or Pangea audio Mega feet at a fraction of the price.

Advice please

FWIW, I received my 4 BC Kones today and put them under my
EE Advant 8 tube pre that AC's had done little or nothing for.
Wham-Oh slamo, good jump on what was already a very good sound.
Esp. harmonics .
I use 4 Stillpoints Ultra Mini's under my Oppo 103 with great success. Absolutely love these feet! The Ultra Mini's replaced a set of 3 Alto Extremo Lyd 1's.
I use the Stein Music Super Naturals + (wood, ceramic and silver) and Super Naturals Signature ( wood, ceramis and gold). They are great sounding. I've been told the Black Ravioli are in some occasions better and lesser cost. I'll give them a try soon.
I've tried a number of 'em, including various Herbie's gizmos, BDR's, Tip Toes, large brass spikes, and more, including a few home made configurations and ball-bearing based design called Aurios.

I wish I could determine a clear winner. I cannot.

Sometimes all of this tweaking gets very tiring, and I long for the days when I'd turn on my stereo system, plop a record on the TT and simply enjoy the music. :)

Ahh, audiophilia….