Jolida 1501RC hybrid integrated vs. Rogue's Sphinx

I was all set to purchase Rogue's (new) Sphinx hybrid integrated amp, when I came across an excellent internet sale for a minty Jolida 1501RC. The attraction was saving almost $800.

The Jolida model was first issued in 2004 and is 100wpc and also a hybrid integrated. It does lacks a phono stage which the Rogue offers. I do not know of the official age of the Jolida unit for sale, but am inquiring with the buyer.

However, I have no way to audition either amp side by side or individually. Therefore, can someone inform me as to whether the Jolida 1501RC is a quality product compared to the Rogue's Sphinx integrated which has received two very good reviews

There always seems to be tons of Jolida products for sale on AG. Is Jolida reaching for mid-fi status by offering so many models and options????......... Thanks
To Lowrider I may have ask Mark about the CM's ability to drive the Adagios several months ago, but can't recall what he said. I believe he said it was OK. I will have to check back with him

To Bcgator, Thank you very much for the input and information. It was very useful. I would say the consensus seems to lean toward the CM favorably because both bad and master recordings CD's sound better, if not much better.

Now, if I can sell my separates at near my asking price, I can fund a new CM or at least a minty used CM. Most dealers will not entertain an even up trade on new gear because they claim they can't make any money. Of course that is bullshit All to often, they offer a third of what you are asking.... and I can't accept that, nor should anyone else......Many thanks to all
The CM is great, and for my speakers I'll pick the CM over SS every time. However, my friend's shop has a Sphinx hooked up to Kingsound Prince electrostatic panels, and it just struck me as a really sweet combo. In fact it seemed a bit better of a match than the CM that was hooked up previously (the CM got sold).

I wouldn't expect that to be typical; it may be a electrostat thing -- and that being said, the panels aren't really my thing, either, though they do have their strong points. Speaker-to-amp matching does matter; were I in your shoes I'd roll the dice on the CM over the Sphinx.

Also, I have to reinforce that while the CM's (and I assume the Sphinx's) built-in phono stages are good starter or stopgap solutions, they'll increasingly become a bottleneck once you've upgraded your analog rig to say the $1K table/arm/cart level. It's very worthwhile it upgrade to an outboard stage at that point, which of course includes Rogue's own options. The 99 Magnum's built-in tube phono stage is also very good, btw, so I can't lump it in with the other built-ins.
To Mulveling. Thanks for the comment and the advice. I don't anticipate a problem using the CM with the AZ Adagios. I do play it loud, put TAS's review of the CM claimed it has good clout for 90RMS, with tight bass. More than likely the Sphinx may deliver more peak power because of the class D output stage...

Not concerned about the phono because I am not going to invest more money in analog; I currently have a Rega P3-24 with a Dynavector 10X5 high output cartridge which might be sold. Should I get back into analog, it would be with a less expensive TT like a Project Debut with the RED or Blue Ortofon MM cartridge.

I really want to put more money into a new CD player that is not tricked out to accomodate computer audio. So far, I have not found anything in a CD player under $5000. Esoteric and Ayon seem to now dominate the AG marketplace, but I can't go there in price
Class D amps are highly damped usually, a trait that will generally make them sound quite different than many though not all, tube amps.

Which sounds better case by case will be highly variable on many factors including personal preference.

Recording quality is always a big factor.

FWIW, I have my system using Class D amps tuned so that most lesser recordings still sound decent and more than just listenable, and the best recordings shine well beyond that. It does take some tweaking though usually to get to any target desired sound, so a straight out a/b comparison on a dealer system may not tell the whole story. Tube amps in general may be easier on the ears, but if its the amp that is enabling that with lesser recordings, the effects on others may not be as desirable. It all depends, YMMV, all the typical caveats apply.

FWIW, my local dealers system that uses high quality Rogue and ARC tube amplification (also high quality Rowland Class D amps) is one of the references I have used to get my system sounding the way I want using a CLass D amp best suited to get the most out of my particular speakers. So I palce way more value in getting the right combination of components in place and tweaking that from there as needed than I do in banking solely on tube versus SS amplification. I've found the best of each tend to sound more similar than not. THen there are all different flavors, many quite tasty, possible from there, in some cases flavors unique to the specific technology used.
I saw a photo of the innards of the Rogue Sphinx, and it seems to have about 17 parts...personally, I value the part count in my gear...I want these things crammed with little caps and resisters and diodes so I feel I'm getting my money's worth.