What's with the insults? The OP clearly is not experienced in this area and is asking for help. When he does not know what he is looking for, just throwing out a bunch of manufactures names is not very useful. The Micro Track suggestion is a good one.
The Micro Track is a hand held device that has a digital input and then writes a digital file on a SD card. It is a good option, but not available new as far as I can tell. It is available used on ebay and Amazon. Most of the small handhelds do not have a digital input.
Their are also usb options like the Tascam US-1800 which has a S/PDIF input and outputs to a PC via usb. If you have long play 32KHz files the Tascam will handle them, I believe. Not sure if the Micro Track does or not.
If you have a PC with a S/PDIF input, you might be able to use that directly, as long as the digital input is visible to programs like Audacity or Vinyl Studio.
The usb or S/PDIF option is probably quicker as long as it works correctly. They usually do, but there can be timing issues when recording. The SD card option is relatively straightforward, although you have to manually transfer the card to your PC.
Whichever way you go you end end up with either a large wav or flac file or with indivual tracks. But to get record individual tracks you have to stand by the equipment and indicate when a new track begins, which is kind of a pain. I would suggest recording the whole thing and then use Vinyl Studio to pull them apart into separate tracks and to name the tracks.
Forget the insults and keep asking any questions you have.