Rank Stereophile, & why no Von Schweikert reviews

Why is it that Stereophile has no Von Schweikert reviews in there archives? Did Albert piss them off? How would you rank Stereophile magazine against their competitors such as The Absolute Sound and others. Who is your favorite? Thanks
Kal, do you not actually read the magazine?

Larry, I can certainly empathize with your position. Over the past several months, I have noticed your ads on the "3rd cover" - a new term for me. I can understand it does take up a considerable investment of yours.

It's a difficult question to address, as I can see the benefits of each side - should the companies who advertise, at considerable expense be given reviews? Or, is it best that the reviews are completely independent of the influx in advertising dollars?

I prefer the reviews to be independent of the advertising into the magazine, but were I an advertiser, would certainly want reviews and folks from the magazine stopping by my room at shows. I'm sure Coincident and Art Audio also feel like you.

To be honest, apart from the overabundance of some manufacturer's products being reviewed, I do not have much of an issue with what gets reviewed. My biggest problems lie with there seeming to be no checks and balances on the reviewers choosing which gear to review (I do hope I am wrong on this account), and the content of the reviews themselves.

Sam Tellig and Michael Fremer are mostly responsible for Musical Fidelity being totally out of proportion with the rest of the manufacturers in terms of how many of their products make it into the reviews. Sam's credibility certainly seems to be questionable when it comes what gets represented in the magazine. A dinner, a phone call, buddying up to him looks to produce ink for your product. Forget about no real information being contained therein - which most of the writers are more than guilty of. That being said, he is an entertaining writer, which the magazine certainly lacks. Would it not be easy to right the Sam Tellig ship? "Uh, Sam, no, I think maybe we should not do another MF preamp review. How about this ASL 1009, though? Oh, and about this CJ power amp review, it's pretty good, but I need a bit more in terms of what it did resolutionwise. Also, I know you glanced over this, but can you flesh out its 'relaxed nature' a bit more? Thanks so much..."

As part of this, the pigeonholing of reviewers to the equipment is something that doesn't appeal to me in the least. I'd like to see Kal review a turntable, Bob Reina do a $20K loudspeaker, Paul Bolin a $500 CD player, and on and on.

Again, my other issue with the reviews is what is contained in them. First, I must complement them on what they do well - physical description of the component, often with background on the company and/or product. From a sonic perspective, I come away with almost no idea of what the product is when all is said and done. Not only that, but so many times, what little conclusion that was reached has been the antithesis of what I hear (not as much of an issue, as we all hear different, but it does raise the issue of my confidence in their ears).

Further, the writing, for the most part, is flat out boring, Sam and Art Dudley excepted. Say what you will about Art, and I happen to think he is currently the best thing at Stereophile by far, but his writing engenders some sort of reaction from the reader - for or against him. While I have heard the argument, ad infinitum I might add, that reviews should contain "just the facts, ma'am", no editorializing on politics, personal things, the weather, etc., but I feel those who miss out on magazines being entertainment miss out on the big picture.

Just me, but Stereophile would do well to find more writers like Art Dudley, maybe throw the constipated right wingers whose faces grow red every time they read him a bone by hiring one whose leanings are more toward their bent. Do things that provoke some sort of emotion out of the reader beyond, "Oh, a JMlab/Triangle/CJ/Mac/MF review by Sam this month? Haven't seent that since last month..." And, push the writers to really focus on providing a picture for what the component actually sounds like.

Never thought I'd say this, but I kind of miss Jonathan Scull. While I have had my run ins with the prima donna, and have given him faint praise, he was informative, well written, entertaining, emotional about what he was doing, and most of all, he seemed to be able to describe a component very well sonically.

For what it's worth, my subscription is good until November, 2008. After which, presuming the magazine is still here, I'll re - up for another three years.
As usual, intelligent, thoughtful,insightful, well prepared thoughts.

I would have to believe, based on years of following them that everyone at Stereophile has 'honor' as a mantra.

My issue with Stereophile as it relates to 'ranking them' centers around simple business etiquette. From LSA's perspective it seems that the owners/editor of Stereophile should at least pay a courtesy visit to those who advertise with them, while at the preeminent show of the year--even if they don't write about us. I would think that they would have a passing interest in the people and products that they highlight in their advertising sections each month.
Moreover, what other time are we all this close in terms of simple geography?
We were virtually ignored by (what is currently) our only advertising outlet. Insofar as I am concerned this is unacceptable in any business relationship.
They can claim that they were busy if they like but I can trump them there--sending six pairs of speakers, four amplifiers and nine people from three states to Vegas--then entertaining hundreds of dealers, distributors and other attendees for four days.

I am really discouraged and disappointed by their snub.

Larry R. Staples
LSA Group

Say what you will about Art, and I happen to think he is currently the best thing at Stereophile by far

Amen. His contributions to Stereophile are the one thing I can look forward to, and can count on being consistantly the most enjoyable and thought provoking every month. Humanistic, wholistic, written with intelligence and wit and always thoroughly enjoyable: Makes it worth the cost of a subscription in my book.

Lrsky, you paid your money and they ran your ads. Unless they lied about their circulation you got exactly what you paid for. It would seem to me that anything beyond running the ads as promised would be unethical. I don't understand why you're upset.