Kanye West - Grammy comment, re Beck

Kanye West on-camera last nite: 'Beck needs to respect artistry.' Then a long rant about...ah just watch it.

What would Kanye say about Beethoven? Or Dylan? or Matisse?

Having fun with this as Twitter is aflame already with it. But the more I think about it, the more it gnaws on me. He was referring to Beck winning Album of the Year (instead of Beyonce). I could go on a long rant myself about his ego, general creepiness, but nothing I could add. But his comments are heard by millions of music fans...

Anyhoo, anyone else see those comments? Reactions?
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Hew, he's 37. That's old enough to know better. And saying that does not make biased or closed-minded. Do you think the producers should allow each and every member to give their opinion as to who deserves the album of the year award?
+1 Hew.

It's legitimate to question West's talent and behavior, but there's another undercurrent running through this thread.
Yes, it would appear that most here do not think highly of him as a person in general. For me its based solely on his behavior. I have no issues with his talent. He obviously has some or would not be where he is.

As does his wife although they have nothing to do with music or the arts. In her case, I do not value them much at all and I find the behavior of both in general to be classless and largely reprehensible.

I have a download of Kanye's tune "Stronger". Its catchy enough and nicely produced. The lyrics are undeniably lewd and suggestive. Much like a lot of pop rock music over the years. So it is what it is and take it for that.
He's entitled to his own opinion and he can shout it from the rooftops after the show or tweet it or facebook it or however he wants to disseminate it, but not verbally during the awards ceremony. Rude is rude.