It seems thay many of us (including myself) have been a little too caught up in personal attacks/defenses of Wilson speakers. What we really need is an honest first hand assesment of WP 7,Max2,X2 vs high end alternative selling for less-much less. So here is my challenge : I will haul my Wilson Benesch Chimeras ( 20k plain,24k as finished in burled walnut) a reasonable distance from my home near Atlanta to hook up to YOUR system in YOUR room to compare to YOUR wp7,max,x2's. Only caveat is my speakers are less efficient (88 db) so have lots of power for fair comparison. Comparison is for: accuracy , musicality, enjoyment,value and anything else YOU want. Just be willing to be HONEST in your assesment. You have MY word that I will admit it on this forum if I am wrong and will bow down to Wilson if they earn my respect in direct comparison to my beloved WB's. I believe that even in a system optimized for Wilsons you will the beauty of a high end less costly alternative. - Jim
Ag insider logo xs@2xaldavis
"So I think this is a great idea. But keep an open mind to try this with any other speakers or sources, electronics, cables, etc. Most of the fun is meeting and befriending other people in this hobby."

I absolutely agree

"Last night I dropped in a pair of ASC tube traps behind my SoundLab A1 speakers. From my experience, imaging has not been one of the strongest attributes I have experienced with these speakers. But just the one pair of ASC's made me rethink this as I had clarity and placement that I did not know possible with the A1s. In other words, I had a completely different speaker. I can only imagine what more room treatments will bring in this area .... and perhaps other sonic improvements."

I also agree. Many people here have used different forms of room modification. The design in my room was done entirely by the people at ASC. I followed their plans and my room is flat at all frequencies other than a small 60 Hz bass hump which has proved to be inconsequential.
Nryrchy, your mean spirited response is exactly what I was referencing in my post re: " personal attack/defences ". There truly is no arrogance felt/intended on MY part. Reread my post and you will see no mention of "idiots". Warrenh : I'm specifically "picking on Wilsons" as this thread was intended as a more thoughtful/ FUN reponse to the endless Wilson hype/bashing posts that contain more hubris than good natured debate. Jafox : You probably read the very long thread on the 'dv 50 anything sig better'. Multiple shootouts on mult dates. It's a great idea and sounds like lots of fun but I'm not sure it works so well with large ,heavy speakers. There are several speakers that on any given day / mood that I myself might prefer ( A-1's for instance) Please everyone , this is meant to be fun AND educational AND I am willing to accept that it might be me who is educated. One last comment to snook2 : Chimeras put out little below 24hz so if home theater, rap,organ music is your thing they will dissapoint. What you hear above this is a flat response without the usual midbase hump. It takes awhile to get used to this. I listen to jazz (real jazz not kenny g jazz), classical, rock, even some country and don't feel more bass energy is necessary although I accept that others may dissagree. My prejudice is for "accurate" not " musical " or 'reproducing the memory of a live experience' although I see these as valid alternatives. I just want what is on the disc and this is probably at the heart of alot of peoples differences reguarding speaker choices. Peace - Jim
Boa2 :Why is it that this subject hastraditionaly devolved into name calling and inuendos about peoples characters. Can you not concieve as possible that I and others might just be interested in learning more about this HOBBY of ours. I don't remember such attacks on the cd player shootouts or any other topic actually. People were really interested in the strong points of the various players. I didn't get the sense that they used there equipment (pun intended) to validate ther masculinity. The subject of value came up several times in discussions of emm,reimyo,esoteric vs. alex's modded units but I don't recall any insinuation that emm owners were "idiots". I think people, rightfully, were looking for high performing, less costly alternatives in DIRECT comparison. Somehow this discussion always devolves because the subject of 'value' in highend audio in general and Wilsons in particular brings out very few THOUGHTFUL inquires. Surely there is someone else who thinks about the subject and wants to have some FUN learning/experiencing something new. Jim
Jim, relax big guy. We're just have fun with that ridiculous post of yours. I have had them. Well not quite that ridiculous. If you can't take the heat, try Audio Asylum. It's part of the territory around here. No hard feelings. Now Boa2, what was that about your penis? Or was it Jims'?
I believe that even in a system optimized for Wilsons you will (?) the beauty of a high end less costly alternative
It occurs to me that you initiated this thread in order to teach someone a lesson, Jim, not to (as you say) "have FUN learning/experiencing something new. If I misread your post, excuse me. I did not interpret it as an inquiry, but rather more of a statement. If indeed you want to have fun comparing speakers, what do I care? I still contend that a group comprised predominantly of men will inevitably gravitate towards a game called "mine is bigger/better than yours." In fact, this happens to be the prevailing exercise in these threads. Furthermore, upon re-reading your initial post several times, I can't help reading as anything but an invitation to play that very game, with a predicted winner in mind even before it begins. So, have fun. Start your engines...