Clean those conduit boxes.

I've lived in my apartment for many years. My walls are made of plaster. When I installed my audio grade receptacles in the wall, years ago, I simply put them in, checked polarity and went on my way. Since upgrading to the furutech gtx-d recently, (which is going through burn in hell, see my other thread) I decided to go back into the two metal conduit boxes that feed my system. I made made everything "perfect" and vacuumed the plaster debris that had been in the boxes for god knows how long. Maybe as long as the building has been standing- maybe 50 years. Each box for whatever reason, had a couple of ounces of plaster in it, ranging from pebbles to plaster sand.

Now it sounds actually cleaner, with more micro detail. Not a huge difference, but still a worthwhile improvement. Not sure if the pebbles and sand that were in the box were resonating or what. Could even be placebo- but it certainly gave no benefit being there. So it's gone, and it's one less thing to ponder. Just wanted to share. It could actually be detrimental to the sound if you have junk in the boxes, like I did. Makes sense to make everything as "right" as possible.
Did you also try Holly Water? If you dip in there, you sound will be more "liquid".
Before I run a cd I put a daunting stare at one place on my system a few minutes and after that it seems to give me a more focused sound. When I put my speaker cables up on risers I seem to notice more space around the music flowing through those cables. It is a funny hobby.
...and if you have high power class A amplifier running you'll probably getting a worm sound especially if you're sitting close to amp:-)
All jokes aside, is it possible that the build up of plaster dust and the like contains some synthetic elements that would have a detrimental effect much in the same way as synthetic elements of say, a carpet and what it does to speaker cables that lie on the floor?

I wouldn't cover my PCs in crap that would be detrimental to the sound so would it stand to reason that all than gunk around the power wires would have some negative effect?

Just food for thought.

All the best,
All jokes aside, what I would wonder is if putting the couple of ounces of plaster back in the box would cause the less clean sound to return.

If (as I suspect) it would not return, it would be an indication that something else was responsible for the perceived change. Perhaps even just having the system unpowered while the cleaning was performed, or just the effects on the contacts of removing and reinserting the power plug.

Which is not to say that anyone would or should bother doing that. But at the same time I would resist the temptation to attribute a perceived change to a seemingly implausible variable in the absence of methodology that is sufficiently thorough to rule out the possibility that something else may have been responsible.

-- Al