Lets talk tubes in Pharaoh Integrated

What are some tube rolling options for the rogue audio pharaoh integrated amp? I would like a better mid-range sound less bloat please.
Thanks for the input, I do have brass spikes on the speakers, also ant vibration disks under the pharaoh and oppo alike. My best guess is tube rolling and/or speaker cables. I do have some room treatment in place also, home made base traps floor to ceiling in each corner as well as some acoustical foam on side walls, back wall and deflector on the ceiling (gearfoam and gearwedge) in the main reflection locations. Sometime I think it is recording related and then other time not so much. It is fairly minor bur highly annoying. again any suggestions will be very much appreciated, walter45.
Hi all, I did pull the trigger on a pair of Cifte/Mazda tubes from Upscale audio. I went for the platinum with cryo treatment. I now ask about break in, what should I expect?
Hi, I can really tell no diference with the tube swap, in fact I plan to swap back soon just to be sure. I still have the same sound on on what I would call the upper mid-range. I have gotten used to the sound by now but still think there is something not quit right. I plan to try some different speaker cables soon, probably clear-day or simular.
The JJ 802S a replica of a very special ultra low noise very long lived Telefunken tube. The 802 is a 12AU7 or Ecc82 what have you. As far as current production tubes go and your preferences I would consult Jim McShane who is a sponsor over on Audio Asylum's Tube Asylum. I know he is pretty happy with the Gold Lion tubes which are said to be on the warm side of neutral.
If you want to try nos I recommend Amperex ECC82s . In particular one formerly excellent, drop in sub, is the highly desirable 7316, which have become very expensive and widely copied (lots of fakes). Your best bet for NOS and the better subs is to rely on a good dealer.