Speakers in the range of $3 to $4.5k per pair?

Upgraditis is setting in, and I'm looking at first replacing my loudspeakers. I'm putting together my first list of candidates which will be narrowed down in the next weeks to 5-10 candidates I will want to audition. What's your recommendation for speakers in the range of $3000 to $4500 per pair (prices in the US), for stereo use?

My current system is a Rotel CD player (RCD-1072), pre-amp (RC-1070), and 200 Wpc amp (RMB-1080), connected to B&W CM-4 (2.5 way floorstanders, recently discontinued; CM line is between the 600 and 700 lines). Having B&W and knowing a dealer, my starting point are the B&W 804 Signature, which I can get for $3000 (MSRP is $4000). Having said that, I want to consider other options as well. My new speakers will have to work well with the Rotel setup for a good 2 years. My next step is likely to be in replacing the pre-amp and then amp, and my guess is I will stick with solid state.

Looking forward to your suggestions.

Yes, I agree JM Labs are much better than B&Ws in general - I was just suggesting they are somewhat similar family of sound.

Which model depends on your room size. If it is greater than 270 sqft or so, I would say the 936. If less, the 926 (which is what I have in my 14x15 room) will have much better bass delivery and imaging. You could also check out the 927Be and 937Be which were limited edition and have the same tweeter as the flagship Utopia Be. All are great if you match them to your room size.
Go for used Merlins,never mind,I just remembered your components.This post will self-destruct shortly.Before it does might I suggest Ty's offerings?Good luck,Bob
yuor ears, your music, your personal taste! I have tried to like offerings from B&W, life would be easier going with the masses. Our differences in taste should void any suggestions I would make so maybe use this list in reverse?
I settled on Vienna acoustics Beethovans $3000.rosewood paradigm sm100 supposed slayers were eliminated $2100.
dynaudio audience 80-82 close, real close. as a matter of fact if you favor R&R try these!!!$2700. AAD floorstanders forget model $5500.the sound was good enough, I'd just never heard of them before. Coincedence super eclypse? price around$4500. AWESOME in showroom with tubes, kind of monotone with solidstate. aeriel acoustics 7b $4500. these probably would have won with a more fle$$ible dealer, rock solid.
Intuitive Design Summit Loudspeakers retail for about 3500 dollars. The stands are something like 1400 to 1500 dollars. These speakers sound phenomenal. They are ABOUT 90 dB efficient, as far as I know.*
*I've reviewed them here on Audiogon. Mine also have four sets of Stillpoints with inverted risers at 400 dollars per set, for a total of 1600 dollars extra on top of that.
What kind of music do you listen? If you have a large room and listen mostly rock music, or everything I would suggest Energy Veritas 2.4 If the room is smaller, and you listen classical, voices and Jazz. I would suggest Harbeth Monitor 30.