Ordered Visaton B200 for open baffle. Am I alone?

I'm posting this on the Speakers forum because it seems so easy to do it qualifies I think. Anyone else gone down this route. if so, whats your opinion? I will post what they do for me. Cheers, david
Open baffles are very over looked by loudspeaker designers.More than a board with a hole the dipole sound and boxless bass detail are very funny to hear.
Where are you guys buying these drivers? I've already got Bastanis Prometheus speakers, and I don't see the OB 200's as a step up from them but it sounds like a fun project to do. Maybe combined with a Charlize amp too.

Thanks for the responses. My B200's are on order and arrive this week! I'm fascinated to see hpw they compare to my Quad esl57's.

Loudandclear, been reading your diyaudio thread. very inspiring. Found a great thread on audiocircle, where the writings of "richard" are one of my grerat recent discoveries:

Cloudyphiz, been wondering about those Bastanis speakers. would be intrigued to here how they compare to OB Visatons or similar.
Well finally set them up in OB chipboard 38"x26" ( no reason for this size other thanthis was the size of the board) and they are 45 hrs into breakin. I've been told 200-1000 hrs for proper breakin, but they are starting to come alive. Very interesting indeedy!! Bass is a bit lower than my Quads, there is a harshness to the treble that i've been told can be ameliorated mechanically, so no problem if its still there after breakin. More anon