Anyone seen audiophile lisence plates passin' by?

The list I've seen so far:
KIMBERFN (This one could be also for firearms Kimber America so not sure, but anyways it may trigger cops to check or stop that Kimber fan!)
04-01-15: Albertporter
The most interesting personal plate I’ve seen was not aimed at audiophiles.

It read:


Took me awhile to figure that one out.
Just took me a few seconds, but I had the benefit of having seen "Forbidden Planet" many times :-)

Best regards,
-- Al
The late Harvey (Dr.Gizmo) Rosenberg use to tool around in a big vintage Cadillac. Can't recall exactly what his license plate was but it did have the word tube on it. I saw him drive by once and I gave chase but couldn't catch up to him.
It took me a few moments to figure out what you meant and then it dawned on me: "Creatures from the Id doc, creatures from the Id."

A different scene than the one you referenced but that was the one that stuck in my mind all these years.

All the best,
Yeah, Forbidden Planet... that's where the telekinetic Krell lived before the "creatures from the Id" destroyed them...

What a great old movie. I have it on VHS! The really weird thing was to see Leslie Nielson playing a straight role.