is it sacrilege?

My wife wants to put a staue on each of my audio physic tempo floorstanders. They are on spikes.
Should it be O.K.? They actually look kinda nice though I hate to admit it.
As Cdc suggests, just pretend they're Totem Beaks and enjoy their appearance. And soon, you'll be thanking Bryanhod for his advice. :•)
Sure it should be OK...don't worry at all about your wife.

It is a social signal. She is just marking her territory with a clear signal to all others. Her mark, the statue, sits over and above your dominion, the stereo speakers.

If you want your wife to be happy then you must show obeyance by allowing her to make these social statements about her authority over your dominion.
Ya know, everytime I see someone selling their big speakers because the wife says, "Either they go or I do", I get a mental image of a guy saying, "Let me think about that".

Would it be bigamy to marry the speakers?
Does she allow you to put your sports memorabilia in the kitchen? No, right! Some things are off limits, and unfortunately this one had NO win/win solution.

Leave the music system as a music system and not a statue stand.