Speaker suggestions for less than ideal accoustics

I live in a lovely timber frame home that works well for our lifestyle but presents challenges when trying to create a good audio listening environment. My great room has a wall of windows, tile floors (radiant heat), a large stone fireplace,28' ceiling peak, open to a loft area and open to the kitchen/dining area. The space is approx 1000 sq ft. I have listened in stores to some nice speakers (JM labs 816s, Def Tech 7004, Paradigm studio 100s, PSB T55,) but I know none of them will sound the same in my great room. Anyone ever faced this challenge and know if certain qualities in speaker designs lend themselves to this? I have learned a lot from this forum and wish there were more places to hear some of the equipment mentioned. BTW,this is for music listening only. Home theatre will have its own dedicated room in the basement where things can be built to suit
thanks everyone for your input. I have been intrigued by what I am reading about Shahinian design. It seems they have been around quite a while, yet their unique approach has not caught on. Why are they not more popular?
shahinians are great...like ohm, people either love them of hate them.....stereo everywhere(my apologies to amar bose)
I have spent a lot of time reading others insights and suggestions..what is disappointing is that there seems to be such limited access to all these high end products and a way to listen to all they offer. As a newcomer I appreciate all that I read but am no closer to buying what may be available from my only nearby "high end" audio store and their limited offerings.(PSB, POLK,JM Labs) How sad. Are these stores going the way of the old local hardware store?
I still look forward to any suggestions for an effective means to fill my great room with full beautiful music.I have decided not to go with the "big boys" and would like to hear some feedback on towers in the $1000-3000 range and and a well suited amplifier to match.
Timberman, I don't know what your budget allows (ie "Big Boys" speakers) but I understand your frustration over the prospect of spending a lot of money (even if willing and able) only to be underwhelmed with the result.

So let me offer what many might consider a novel (offbeat?) idea:

At this point in your search, just forget about making a selection, and instead concentrate on (re)searching out listening venues. It's an obvious, but not often enough mentioned fact that they can't come to you!

It's going to cost you a few airline tickets, possibly, or some long drives (where do you live, anyway?) but in the end, you will make a decision you know is right because it is based on first hand experience.

I'd set up my research effort something like this:

1.) First, I'd contact those who could help me compile a list of (what in they're opinions would be) appropriate speakers for my space. You've started to do that here in this thread. Here are some other ideas: What about talking with Richard Bird at Rivas Audio. Describe your space and get his speaker wish list. Email specific Agonners whose systems seem to reside in large spaces and ask them their impressions/pros/cons.

2.) Once you have say a dozen models/brands, representing a variety of design approaches, stats, horns, multi boxes, line source (Pipe Dreams, Dynaudio, Alon etc) planars (Maggies) call every one of those manufacturers (NOT THEIR DEALERS -- you're interested in doing the evaluating, not having someone else evaluate you!) and tell them where you live, describe your space, and ask them to recommend a place to listen to their product in an environment that most closely matches your own. Explain that while a dealer with a huge listening room would be OK, that if they wouldn't mind, you'd really appreciate it if they would be kind enough to contact customers whom they know have listening spaces like yours, and find out if they would mind demonstrating their systems to you (I can't imagine who but the most paranoid curmudgeon wouldn't be delighted -- you'd just have to go to them of course.) Every manufacture of "Big Boys" (and even small boys) from Wilson to Soundlabs to Alon to Focal to Avalon to Kharma, knows where there favorite children are living and would be delighted to try connecting you, if you're willing to make the trip.

Do it that way. You'll have a lot of fun, meet a lot of great people, maybe see a bit more of America, but more important, you'll come to make an educated decision that will return real enjoyment the first time out.
I have a large room with a wall of glass (19x39x9) and have truly enjoyed my full range Alon V MkIIs in that room. The flooring is wool carpet over tile. I have drapes I can pull over the windows.

I found dipoles sounded superb in this room. I would heartily recommend very dynamic dipoles like Alon/Nola or wide dispersion spekaers like Ohms or Shahinians, or possibly planars (you may need to augment some planars with subs).

I had a client with a similar type of room as yours (post & beam construction, open plan, tall ceiling, glass etc.) and his Apogee Divas sounded better in that room than they did in his former home where he had a room specially constructed for them.

I travelled to be able to audition what I was interested in. Try it - you may like it.