New Orleans high end stores?

Gonna be in New Orleans in June. Anyone here know of a high end store there where I can check out a new amp? Thx

I recently read about Jay Valentino closing shop (no pun) in Baton Rogue LA. Can any of you guys in the New Orleans/ Baton Rouge area confirm.

If this is true, it would be ashame.
I feel that he had a better operation in the old location, Metairie. Keep me posted.
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A salesman by the name of Chuck Kennedy used to work at Wilson Audio in Metairie. And before Audio Resource was owned by Valentino, it was owned by a fellow by the name of Don Turnipseed. To jog a few memories.
I had a Rotel amp with Tara Labs Decade interconnects and speaker cables, LOL!, over 20 years ago, my has time flew, Now days I have a Modded krell 700cx amp renewed and done recently by krell, with Tara Labs Zero Gold interconnects and Omega Gold speaker cables, that's what I am talking about, here on the gulf coast, They believe $300.00 speaker cables are good enough, and that a top model stereo amp from Rotel is good enough, Jay, years ago carried Krell and many other good names of the industry, this was when he was in Metairie, La of course!, I never have bought local in Mobile,Al other than the Rotel and the Decade cables ever.
Thanks! for sharing All.
Living in Alabama, we have never had the great representation of quality hifi/video gear, other than the chain stores. I predict that Jay will make a comeback, it is going to be interesting. Stay Tuned!