Help Needed: Is my system balanced?

I have just bought a new system, part of the equipment is used, and I am uncertain if I made the right decisions. My problem is to define ideal percentages to be spent in each component. My system is the following:

Arcam DIV A80 Integrated Amplifier ($1300)
Naim CD5i cd player ($1600)
B&W DM602 S3 Loudspeakers ($600)

Do you think these three equipments match? Are they compatible? Will I get the most from their potential? Should I have bought more expensive loudspeakers and a less expensive CD player?

Is there a simple, definite rule to determine which percentages of the total investment should go to each equipment? What does the literature on this subject tells us?

Good system. Yes, they are compatible. I think you did right by getting a really good CD Player(which the Naim is Excellent). Many audiophiles say that the Source is the most important in the chain. After all, good amps and speakers won't make up for a lousy-sounding player. But, like I said you made some really good choices in my opinion. Happy listening....
It is fine as is. If you have not done so, get some decent speaker cables and interconnects to go with it.

The next time you get the upgrade itch start with the speakers.

The 602s sound great when used with good sources and power by a good amplifier. Having said that, the CD and Amp are good enough that you will notice a further improvement with even better speakers.
Thanks...I think that 2 years from now I'll start thinking about an upgrade. Maybe a pair of open box or slightly used B&W 805S's , what do you think?

I bought the following cables:

interconnect: Van Den Hul "The Source" 0.8m
speakers: Kimber Kable 8VS (10" pair)

They're not too expensive but were highly praised by Hi-fi Choice. I hope they'll be enough!
