primaluna gear, avalon eidolon speakers, cardas

I just purchase some primaluna diologue 7 mono amps and their best preamp. I have some Avalon Eidolon Vision speakers to go with all this. I also have all Cardas Golden Reference interconnects and speaker cable. I don't have it all hooked up yet. Any one have an opinion on this set up.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xwoodworker
My opinion is that Audioquest works very well with Avalon. Superior to MIT. I dislike the political stories told to customers that Avalon works the best with MIT. It had been told at many shows in the past. It is based on nothing. For me it is essential that audio needs to be more open and honnest. I want people to get the best quality for the money they spend. I have proven that MIT is by far not the best. Even with Avalon speakers ( I have sold them for over 6 years) Magazines need to stop political talks about audio. Customers deserve to get more quality for the money they have spend.
Bo1972, I love you man, You are a riot!, I may very well be the only member to undestand you, vicdamone has very legitimate points he is sharring with you, his original post to you is correct, mit cables were suppose to be used with spectral equipment!, the very same system all of you are talking about I have vast exsperience with, however, you are correct, mit cables and cardas cables is a mistake for such fine speakers as the Avalon Edilon speakers, I know what I would use on these speakers, I do not want to get into this crazy mess of whats best for the avalons.
I prefer Cardas over MIT. I did not say that Cardas would not work with Avalon. Audioquest is focussed on all the different parts were you Judge a cabel for more complete compared to Cardas.

Silver is in my opinion very important for the absolute sound. I do not say you should only need silver. Silver can give you more air around voices and instruments. This is an essential part of the 3D image were I often talk about. Same about the extra decay.

Avalon is a speaker what can give a deep and wide stage. But within the stage it is not a brand who can give a very sharp individual focus. So you need cables, sources and amps to solve this. When you use MIT, you use the same properties. So at the end you still have not a sharp individual focus of instruments and voices. It is that simple. It was very easy to get Avalon to a much higher level with Audioquest cables. For the owners it was clear why it is more complete.
The primaluna gear is outclassed by your speakers and cables.

Consider a preamp with some voltage regulation, and a power amp with some gain stage regulation. Regulation is conducive to warmth and sound stage stability.

The Chinese "classic" designs won't cut it with Avalon speakers due to the need for high current stability (they are not efficient)

-Avalon owner for the past 18 years
Avalon speakers are internally wired with cardas wire (at least the old models like ascent, radian), don't know if the still using it?