primaluna gear, avalon eidolon speakers, cardas

I just purchase some primaluna diologue 7 mono amps and their best preamp. I have some Avalon Eidolon Vision speakers to go with all this. I also have all Cardas Golden Reference interconnects and speaker cable. I don't have it all hooked up yet. Any one have an opinion on this set up.
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Hearing is believing, that is why the most convincing sound Always will win.

You need to keep it simple and clear!
Bo1972 - While it is quite possible that you are more convincing in your native tongue, I have to say that you seem like an empty and redundant blowhard in English. I'm quite accustomed to conversing with the actual equipment designers and their executive personnel, and none of them come off with boastful proclamations the way you do.

You would be well advised to humbly sit back and learn from those of us who can make a point without boasting. Whether you realize it or not, you are talking down to people who have far more experience and knowledge than yourself and you are looking very silly (pathetic?) in the process. Give it a rest.
The reason why I use the words in a sarcasm way is because in 16 years of time I have seen to often how poor people are advised in audio. When I can let other people hear a more convincing and higher quality in sound it is up to them who also work in this profession to show they can do a better job.

It is pathetic how many people don't get the quality they could have gotten. Only if they would have been better advised. If 'those' with 'more'experience and knowledge can give people a higher level in audio......just show it.

I like a fair game in audio. All people who do it as a profession can show there clienst what they can give to them.

One last thing I can tell you; I am taking audio very serious, and no I never will give up. I love competing and creating the best sound. All other people have the same chances that I have. So use them!

What I say in words I can do exactly the same in sound. Then people know that it is the truth. And this is how I work. Hearing is believing, and that it the truth!

When I would not be 100% sure about my words I would never written them. Because then it would be pathetic, and I would be just as stuppid as those who work in audio and sell average or even poor quality.