primaluna gear, avalon eidolon speakers, cardas

I just purchase some primaluna diologue 7 mono amps and their best preamp. I have some Avalon Eidolon Vision speakers to go with all this. I also have all Cardas Golden Reference interconnects and speaker cable. I don't have it all hooked up yet. Any one have an opinion on this set up.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xwoodworker
Plus 1, Roxy54. I think this thread could have started and ended with Stereo5's appropriate post.
The true value of this thread is that it allows Bo1972 to post amazing things about which others can derive pleasure from responding to. One needs to see beyond the vacuity of the original post to appreciate the art of what should now be referred to as "Bosponse" or "Boalog." If you can't think of well reasoned criticism of Bo1972, you're missing an opportunity for some fun, albeit el redundo amundo. Otherwise, join in, and realize the conversational equivalent of hitting a tennis ball against a just comes back no matter what.
Because you make it personal, so there is no focus on the thread anymore. People are right that we fail because it has nothing to do with the thread.

Woodworker is new overhere I think. He did not respond once on his own thread. We didn't help him good enough.

I would ask to him how he discribes his overwhole sound. What does he like and what he would like to change?

Woodwoker uses tube amps for his Eidolon vision. The Eidolon is not an easy speaker to control. I sold Avalon for over 6 years of time. I and many of my collegues as well preferred Avalon with tubes. Because the sound was more involving. The low freq were better with solid state amps like Classe ( what was the brand which we sold the most with Avalon) The mid freq. were less musical compared to tubes. I did not like classical music with Classe at all.

The Cardas Golden reference is on the warm side and with the Primaluna sound I think a little too much. I would choose for different cable.

I also think Pass labs is a better combination. You get a superior timing and a lot more control and grip. And with the class A you still get a very musical mid freq. The extra timing wil let you hear things of a recoding which you didn't hear with tubes.

The new Audioquest loudspeakercabels would be an option to work more precise compared to the Cardas Golden reference. Better timing, and more control in the low freq. The Audioquest loudspeakercables and also there interconnects are stunning in giving the best blacks. This make instruments and also voices a lot more palpable. It gives a much sharper individual focus of instruments and voices. You also hear more space around instruments and voices. This gives you in combination with the stunning blacks a more 3 dimensional image.

I also think Pass labs is a better combination compared to the Priumaluna. You get a superior timing and a lot more control and grip. And with the class A you still get a very musical mid freq. The extra timing wil let you hear things of a recoding which you didn't hear with tubes.
Reynolds: Yes. I am a cyclist as well but not a good one (3W/kg/hr). I have a Rikulau ( no name TW brand) with Reynolds 931 tubings. Also have the usual carbon fiber latest and greatest.

Sorry for the hijecking the thread.

"I always want to win", "They cannot catch up". It appears Bo1972 is a cyclist as well.

Trying different equipment lead to some knowlegde. Setting up different rooms or along different walls of the same room are great education as well.

"Mater handbook of Acoustics" is the most valuable reading I have com across.