Dali, Amphion, Zu

Seriously considering Dali IKON6 vs Amphion Athene2 vs Zu Druids. Any thoughts from anyone who has heard these loudspeakers?
Call Zu and ask for an extension. I'm pretty sure they'll give you another 30 days. It's not without precedent.
Then it's up to you to play them long and loud. Break in is a pain but the reward is significant.
I'll try that, thanks. Want to love 'em, but there is w/o question a noticeable lack of clarity at the moment w/vocals -- they sound a little 'thick'.
Rblnr: Can't you leave them playing all the time, specially when you are away? You don't have to be present listening to a driver being broken in. With 10 hours/day, it should take 10-15 days at most.
And, don't be afraid to put big juice through them. Those drivers are stiffies and will never break in unless you play them at uncomfortable levels. Translation - do the heavy lifting when you're not home.

Having owned Druids and Def's, I speak from experience. This driver is sublime with vocals, so I'd guess you have some watts to put through the speakers.
>>With 10 hours/day, it should take 10-15 days at most<<

With many speakers I would tend to agree with you. In my experience it matters as much, if not more, with how loud the Zu speakers are driven as it does with the number of hours; although I would not make any critical evaluation of the speakers until you've reached a minimum of 200 hours.

I'm not sure that 10 hours/day for 15 days at high SPL is particularly conducive to matrimonial harmony.