I'm a bit confused. In your original post you say that you are looking for probably SS integrated. Then in your second post you are questioning the Rogue, which is a tube unit. What gives??
Your conclusion above seems to be fairly accurate, in a general sense. As time has marched on the audio world has been chasing higher resolution, which means that many more modern designs offer more articulation, detail and resolution. As with any clearer picture, the result depends on what you are looking at/listening to. If your recording is full of warts, these warts will now be better exposed. That is why many still like the older, more musical, lower resolution gear of yesteryear.
Your conclusion above seems to be fairly accurate, in a general sense. As time has marched on the audio world has been chasing higher resolution, which means that many more modern designs offer more articulation, detail and resolution. As with any clearer picture, the result depends on what you are looking at/listening to. If your recording is full of warts, these warts will now be better exposed. That is why many still like the older, more musical, lower resolution gear of yesteryear.