Is it worth changing from B&W N805 to the 805S?

What should I expect if I replace my Nautilus 805 for the 805S? would be significant upgrade?

I'd appreciate your thoughts.
In a word, yes. I'm sure you'll get people like Judy426 bashing B&W, my best advice is listen and see. Because I have owned both, I'd like to offer my opinion. I was very happy going to the Nautilus 805. Had them for a while, and my dealer called cause he got in a set of Signature 805's. I went in for a listen, and walked out with a pair. They were that much better than my Nautilus speakers. Very impressive.

I wanted to pull a little money out of my system, around the time they brought out the 805S speaker. So I decided to sell the sigs, and pick up a new pair of the 805S. The first few days, VERY disappointed. Almost to the point of returning them. Then, about two weeks into the journey, they began to sound very much like what I remembered with the signature 805's. My point here, let them break in before you decide. I almost didn't. Differences you should notice going from the Nautilus 805 to the 805S: more bass, more quality bass that is; a more seamless sound because of the first order crossover. More open highs, with better transparency, and a little more detail. In my room, they imaged better. Imaging really sucked before they were broken in, but then came alive.

Good luck.
Thanks guys for the input. Frankly I have always suspected that the N805 are a tad bright in the highs. Do you think the 805S have smoother/sweeter highs versus the N805?
Thanks again.
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Have you heard anything as to when the 805D's might
be released?
