Speaker upgrade suggestions

Hello all
I am thinking of upgrading my speakers. My system as of now is a Forte 4 power amp, Forte model 2 preamp, Arcam diva cd192, audioquest jag interconnects, audioquest GR8 speaker wire, and B&W 602 s3 speakers on nice metal stands with a B&W 600 sub. The system sounds good, no question, but... I want more. My opinion is the speakers are the weak link. But I'm not sure, any suggestions or comments?
Thanks, Mcgarick
You want more... more what? I'm not especially partial to the B&Ws you have, but that's my taste not yours. I could say that I liked the Triangle Titus ES better because it had a much livelier sound and a great image, but maybe that's not what you're missing.

I have found that acoustic treatments and AC isolation have helped both my systems a lot. Maybe those would be things to consider.
What is your price range? I think that the 700 series of the B&W's are a huge step up in sonics from the 600 series speakers. However, they are revealing and if your electronics are on the bright side, I would choose a different path than the 700 series.