Speaker and amp balance question?????

I just recieved my tweeters back from being matched and I am pleased with the results. What I noticed when I installed the tweeters and played music was that they sounded different so I switched the tweeters from one speaker to the other to find that my tweeters were fine and that the difference in sound was due to something else. In a diagnostic I switches the speaker cables left to right channel and right to left channelon my amp and upon listening I realised that both the channels in my anp(Pass X250) and my speakers crossovers were slightly different from each other and I was able to get the two speakers to sound extremely close to each other by switching the speakers themselves right to left and left to right. I am getting pretty balanced sound but my question is that is it normal for the speakers to be off by a noticable difference(when an inch from the speaker's tweeter). Before one channel was cleaner and one speakers tweeter was cleaner.. In both my amp and my speakers there is one side cleaner than the other so I put the cleaner speaker with the less clean channel of the amp and the less clean speaker with the cleaner side of the amp and the sound is pretty balanced. Are differences to this degree normal?They are subtle and not very noticable if at all noticable from the listening position.In fact you could not hear the differences two feet from the speakers but it was there. If my amp were identical channels the sound would be off and if my speakers were identical sounding I would have a less balanced sounding system. Does this make sense?
Please disregard my previous post. I see from your posted system that you have modified the original crossover of the Hales T-5's and have changed the original aluminium tweeter to a Seas Excel Millenium soft dome fabric tweeter.

Your x-over design and fit with the Seas Tweeters might be the problem. It might not show up immediately .....but after a time and driven at high levels the tweeter may get damaged or wear out prematurely if not correctly matched
I would use a mono source to test the tweeters. There is a slight degree of noise from the right channel that is audible close up at the speaker. Could it just be this noise I am noticing. If two feet back from the speakers I cannot tell them apart and in fact they sound the same even close up at them since I switched the speakers.
Porziob, What do you mean by your statement?Are you saying you think there is obvious fault with my system? I can accept that if that is truely the case. I would think some degree of tolerance is acceptable but at what point is it fault as opposed to acceptable within tolerance differences?
Driver, the noise difference cannot be detected with test tones.?If sitting in my listening position and play test tones(which I have done) the sound the same either from both speakers to .a central image or from each individual speaker. Somehow I cannot distinguish the the sound differences with test tones. They are at frequencies that sound the same between the two speakers. The noise I think I may be hearing from the right speaker is the type of noise you might experience when turning on a tuner in your system while playing a disc.
It is that type of difference but only noticablbe if critically listening to the two tweeters close right up at them. I am inclined to think that this is normal and within tolerance amp noise issues and perhaps a slight ?(I mean slight)crossover differences that make up for the difference in amp noise in the right channel. Once again please correct me if I am wrong. It's stereo componentry. If broken I will get it fixed.
Shadorne, you could be right. How would I know?The tweeters both sound the same as I have discovered by testing and swapping them and the problem appears only on the right channel regardless of which speaker is connected to it.You could be right though but how would I know for sure?