Your Opinion: Coincident Vs. Silverline?

Hi, I'd appreciate your opinions on Coincident speakers and Silverline speakers in general for a system I'm putting together. I listen mostly to jazz and rock at moderate volume levels and what I appreciate is a transparent, detailed, musical presentation. My budget is flexible, the only stipulation is the speakers would need to be fairly close (12" max) to the rear wall and my listening room has furniture and all maner of things in a normal living room. Thanks!
I have done this same comparison and the Coincidents are the way to go hands down. I have owned 4 Silverline models and 2 Coincident and kick my self everyday for selling my Coincident Super E III's, they are great speakers. The Coincident Partial E II IMHO are some of the best speakers for the money available. Silverlines are easier to drive, but are more hifi sounding to me. I am not a Dynaudio tweeter fan, I am much more of a Scanspeak guy. The Revelator tweeter in the Coincident is much more listenable to me than any Dynaudio product. Alan Yun is a nice guy and his speakers are OK, but if you truly want something that will sound good and keep you happy over time get the Coincidents...make sure you get the outrigger feet they are worth the cash.
Hope that helps.
I own Sonata speakers that I purchased from Ozzy62. I agree with him completely. I originally had the Sonatas placed a foot from the rear wall and three feet from the side walls, and I heard the boominess he is talking about. I moved them out to 22" where they sound very nice. My listening room is about 14 feet wide and 18 feet deep.

I visited Alan's Silverline showroom in Concord, California about two months ago and listened to his entire line of speakers. All of his speakers sounded nice; however they were placed in the middle of the room, not anywhere close to the walls. I will say that his new Granduer 2 speakers, that are retailing for $15,000, blew away the rest of the speakers in his line. I would very much consider them for myself when they hit the used market.
I can't speak for the Coincidents, but I do own Silverline Sonata II's. Mine are approx. 20" off of the back wall, and have no problems with booming bass. Most speakers will benefit from being off the back wall a bit. Both speakers have a good reputation... you probably can't go wrong.
I owned a Silverline Sonata Mk. I for a couple of years and I replaced it for a Coincident Total Victory. Tha Sonatas were quite good, with a very good mid-range, but the Coincidents sound better.